

please enter your details in the form below in order to register for the IPM Valuation System. If you have any questions please contact us on 0161 504 8000

Registration Form

Company Name *
Business Type * Limited Company
Sole Trader
Other (please specify below)
User Name *
Password *
Contact Name *
Contact Tel *
Contact Email *
Address * (for invoices)
Town *
Postcode *
  Proof of Identity *
If you are a Limited Company please provide your Company Registration No. (A) below - alternatively please complete section (B)
Company Registration No.
National Insurance No.

or DVLA Licence No.
  Declaration *
please confirm the below information before completing this registration form.

Are you the actual named person above that has registered.

Do you have the authority to place bids on behalf of this company.

Is this your email address and are you satisfied it is secure from others placing bids on your behalf.